
Friday, May 31, 2024

Autodesk Forma Boards

A quick post sharing a newer feature in Autodesk Forma called Boards!

keep reading to learn more...

Friday, May 17, 2024

Autodesk Forma Series Recap

While I will surely share more on this topic, the sponsored part of my Autodesk Forma series has concluded. In this post, I will recap and share all the links in one place!

This post also includes the recently created Autodesk Customer Storey featuring Lake|Flato and our use of Forma.

keep reading to learn more...

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Revit Face Based Families and Reference Planes

Sharing a short video on how Revit face-based families can host to reference planes and a few related tips and tricks.

For example, do you know why these two lighting fixtures point in different directions?

Or, do you know how to move a face-based family between two reference planes that are vertically offset without moving the fixture in plan?

keep reading to learn more...

Monday, May 13, 2024

Hempcrete Presentation by BIOBUILD Last Week at Lake|Flato!

Last week, guest speaker Caroline Dunn from BIOBUILD in Austin, Texas, led our monthly Lake|Flato Sustainability Champions meeting. She presented on hempcrete and highlighted a new Hemp Lime Illustrated detail booklet she co-authored.

keep reading to learn more...

Thursday, May 2, 2024

AIA Public Policy & Position Statements Update - Architects Are Environmentally Responsible

The sustainability section of the AIA Public Policy & Position Statements was recently updated. I was on the team that crafted these updates, participated in listening sessions, and presented the proposed changes to various groups.

I am grateful for Lake|Flato's support of my position on the AIA National Committee on the Environment (COTE) Leadership, where my participation leads to opportunities like this.

keep reading to learn more...