
Friday, December 8, 2017

Two NVIDIA GP100s - Let the Testing Begin!

Something exciting arrived in the mail today... two NVIDIA GP100s!

These graphics cards boast 16GB of superfast HBM2 memory and two-way NVlink interconnect.
Related NVIDIA blog post: What is NVlink
Check out this PCWorld review:
Nvidia's monster Quadro GP100 GPU brings big Pascal, HBM2, and NVLink to workstations
Related BIM Chapter posts:
I still have some configuring to do, but the...
first few runs in VR were pretty nice! Stay tuned for more...

NVIDIA GP100 specs...
NVlink Bridge specs (shown in the first two photos...
I actually got another super cool VR-related hardware item in the mail today as well... but I will cast that post another day:).