
Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Duplicating Area Plans via Apply Dependent Views in Revit

Dependent views were introduced in Revit as a way of managing large floor plans that need to be broken up and placed on separate sheets. Using dependent views allows you to still work in the main overall view, but have separate sub-views which can be composed on sheets with all the same annotation and Visibility/Graphic Overrides.

Once dependent views are set up for one level, you can quickly apply that same configuration to other views. However, it is...
not very intuitive, at least to me, on how you do it.

As shown in the view above (sort of) the crop regions for each dependent view all show up in the main (or original) view. This helps to make sure they overlap properly and also helps accurately locate matchlines.

To copy the dependent views to other levels (technically, other views) simply right-click on the view WITH the dependent views and select Apply Dependent Views... as shown in the next image.

In the Select Views dialog, select all the views to receive matching dependent views.

The selected views now have the dependent views applied. The names may not match, but everything else is the same. The newly copied dependent views can be renamed if needed.

Just like the Apply View Template command, the Apply Dependent Views is a one time push of information/settings. Changes to the original dependent views will not have any effect on the copied ones.

I will follow this up with a post on matchlines and view references as they relate to area plans.