
Monday, March 5, 2018

BILT-Europe 2018 Sessions Accepted; Ljubjana, Slovenia Here We Come!

I am happy to report that I was selected to speak again at the European BILT conference this year in Ljubjana, Slovenia. The plan is to bring my family as well... continuing the tradition of conference + vacation-crazy-busy-fun! For more on the family fun part,  you can read a post I wrote for the RTC blog back in 2014: RTC Family Vacation – An Attendee’s Letter.

Sessions selected:
  • Dynamic Energy Optimization with Autodesk Revit and Insight
  • Revit MEP Remodels and Alternates; Hands On
  • A Multi-Disciplinary Design Firm’s Journey to Embrace Early Stage Energy 
Session on reserve:
  • Practical Applications of VR/AR in Architecture
Here is a photo of my lab session from last year in Denmark...

And if that is not exciting enough, Carl Storms has now officially been selected to speak at all...
four BILT conferences in 2018! And, to his credit he is footing a lot of the cost himself because, like me, his employer is not paying all his costs to travel around the world:)

Here is Carl's lineup for his BILT-around-the-world 2018 tour:

  • Fun with FormIt Pro - A Lab to Hone your FormIt Skills
  • Connect the Docs: BIM 360
  • Apps & Add-ins for Revit and your AEC Workflow - 2018 Edition
  • Dynamo - Everyone's Doing It - Vol. 3 - Attack of the Data (lab)
  • BIM is...Broken? (Roundtable)
  • Sensors for Everyone: IoT for AEC
  • Navisworks: Not the Only Name in the Clash Detection Game
  • with 2 more on the reserve list
  • BIM is...Broken
  • with 2 more on the reserve list)
I have presented at all four RTC/BILT conference, but only two in a single year. The only other person I know who has presented at all four BILT conferences in a single year is Marcello Sgambelluri. Not a lot of duplicates in the list above... Carl is going to have a busy year!

On a related note... last year as BILT conference was coming to a close in Denmark, everyone was given one of these as a reminder for the next years conference and location:

To be honest, at first, I thought it was just a paper weight filled with sand. Turns out it is high quality salt from Slovenia. As in interesting coincidence is that I had just planned on using the salt for the first time yesterday, the same day I received the acceptance emails:)

Fun stuff!

For BIM Chapters updates, follow @DanStine_MN on Twitter