
Friday, April 13, 2018

Revit 2019 Icon Replacement by Brian Payne

The Revit 2019 desktop icon did not change again this year. That means 2017 - 2019 is the same icon. Brian Payne to the rescue... he created a custom icon and shared it on Twitter.

Google Drive link for new icon: (not my link or contents, so I have not control over how long this will be active).

Here is a link to his tweet:

I just downloaded the REVT19.ICO file and copied it to my C drive. The iamge below shows Revit 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 on the Windows taskbar.

Bryan also provided the modified 2018 version last year. And a funny story related to that... last year at BILT-NA in Toronto, Clay Hickling and I did a session on What's New in Revit 2018. I had already applied Brian's new icon. During the session we used my computer. Clay was about to make a comment about how the icon did not change 'this year' and he saw my icon and was just silent for several seconds as it caught him off guard:)

Here is last years post with some additional details on how to change the icon: Changing the Revit 2018 Icon.

Thanks Brian.... a great guy giving back!

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