
Monday, April 23, 2018

Revit Basics: Controlling Element Visibility

You can use these steps to hide a specific sub-set of elements in Revit. In most cases it would be ideal to create a custom Shared Parameter, but that gets a little more complicated.

In this example, I add a keyword to the Comments instance parameter.

Next, I create a Filter that looks for...
that keyword in the Comments parameter.

Finally, I apply that Filter to a view and tell Revit what to do when the Filter criteria is met; in this case, I turned off visibility.

Now the element is hidden. If I type "Hide Me" into comments for anything else in this view, that element will instantly be hidden... but just in this view.

By the way, my interior design book covers shared parameters and how to use them.
Interior Design Using Autodesk Revit 2019. Using Share Parameters you could, at the very least, have a specific parameter, rather than using Comments. You could also have the keyword already added to content, before loading it into the project.;

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