
Thursday, April 19, 2018

Society for Marketing Professional Services (SMPS) - VR/AR Presentation

I had the opportunity to present to the Society for Marketing Professional Services (SMPS) - Twin Cities chapter - at a meeting hosted by LHB this week. We had a great turn out and many thoughtful questions! What is SMPS exactly?

From their website: 
"The Twin Cities Chapter of the Society for Marketing Professional Services (SMPS-TC) has a mission to be the premier provider of marketing and business development resources to the architecture, engineering, construction (A/E/C) industry by promoting the profession of marketing through education, networking and career development."
I love LHB's willingness to share knowledge on occasion. I think it pushes us to do even more work and research to stay current and relevant, in a practical and meaningful way, for our clients.

In the presentation we talked about ways in which we use VR/AR tech in the context of...

marketing. This also included a hardware/software discussion, touching on the HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Enscape and Fuzor.

On the right, Terza Kurki, Senior Marketing Coordinator at LHB, is getting things started.

The last part of my presentation was to quickly show the range of opportunities we have within VR and AR prior to a hands-on demo for attendees, which focused more on navigating the model than interacting with it (mainly due to time constraints).

After the presentation, everyone had the opportunity to try our prepared VR and AR experience. In the following image, Danielle Hilmo, Marketing Manager at BWBR, was checking out our Superior Street project using the Microsoft HoloLens with the new Trimble hard hat.
BTW, many readers of this blog know of Dave Plumb, BIM Manager at BWBR. Both Terza and I also worked there many years ago!

One of the topics I mentioned, in the context of VR/AR for marketing, was its use at trade shows and conferences. One example can be seen below, using the HTC Vive and Fuzor. Another example was mentioned earlier this week, in my post: MnOPS 2018 Pipeline Safety Educational Conference.

In this presentation I shared the following links:

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