
Monday, May 21, 2018

Roast by KieranTimberlake

With the impending commercial release, I would like to offer a review of KieranTimberlake's (KT) product called ROAST. LHB had the opportunity to beta test this new cloud-based Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) delivery tool.

In the big-picture, one creates a survey by selected from canned questions, feeds in...
floor plans, specifies participants, and then schedules the survey. Participants are emailed a link to the survey based on the schedule - which can be multiple times a day, week or month. At the start of the survey, participants select their location in the building and indicate what clothing they are wearing and recent activity level. The results are then presented in an easy to read format like the example shown above.

This is a great way to move the industry forward by harvesting honest user feedback. The people using the building should be happy and comfortable. If they are not, we need to understand why and, at the very least, apply those lessons-learned to the next project.

Sadly, the biggest challenge our industry faces in adopting new technology like this is our dependence on ancient browser technology; namely Internet Explorer (IE). Pretty much anything but IE works... I use Chrome.

Related Info:

If you are interested in more details, I suggest your reach out, via the links above, and request a demo. In the meantime, I went a little screenshot crazy documenting the full experience in images...

Creating a Survey:

Creating a new survey..

Select questions...

Some questions have custom factors (i.e. answers)...

Plans are imported using DXF files (created by AutoCAD, Revit, etc.)...

Name the floor plan...

Can have many floor plans...

Add participants...

Adding individual participants...

Define a survey delivery schedule...

Do participants see any of the results?

Taking the Survey:

Pick you floor and location in the building...

What are you wearing? You can save typical outfits...

Define your recent activity level...

Answer the questions...

Notice the custom factor (Lighting Controls) I added appear here...

ROAST Dashboard:

Administrators can view the survey stats...

Right-click options...


Results, with mouse-over tool-tip data showing...

Export results...

Exported results...

That's it... simple but effective POE tool.

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