
Friday, June 29, 2018

Images in Schedules

This is an update to my post - Managing Revisions in Revit Schedules. I asked Ben Sherman, a college intern working with me, to take some time and try to create a better quality image and then make several for the various numbers. This post will highlight his success...
BTW, Ben is a architecture student who attends Minnesota's newest architecture school, Dunwoody. The school has been around for about one hundred years, but just this year graduated their first 5-year professional bachelor's degree students. This simple task was a break from recreating our entire material library, which uses the new Revit 2019 advanced materials:)
The trick was to create a larger image, still only 45 kb, which at first looked like this in the schedule (when placed on a sheet)...

When the schedule is selected, in the sheet view, you can use the Resize tool on the...
ribbon to resize all the images to something like .25 (Imperial-based model) in this example.

The height of the row is still slightly taller but it is pretty close.

Here is an example of one of the final images (nice and crisp)... click to enlarge and right-click save image if interested.

The previous post as received a number of comments, which is great. A couple people mentioned just using text in the "Revision" column, rather than an image. That works, and one of our groups currently does that. But even they like this new idea as the graphic speaks for itself, which can help avoid confusion... perhaps. As I mentioned in the previous post, I have not tried this on a project yet. But I think it should work well.

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