
Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Lighting Design at the University of Minnesota - Fall 2018

Yesterday, a beautiful fall day in St. Paul, Minnesota, I once again had the good fortune to present to Professor Abimbola O. Asojo's interior design students at the University of Minnesota. I covered lighting analysis using the Autodesk Revit add-in ElumTools by Lighting Analysts, Inc. I also managed to find a little time at the end to show them Enscape as well!


For the ElumTools presentation I talk about Revit light fixtures and how they work with photometry, set surface reflectance and then how to view and read the results.

I am looking forward to giving a similar presentation next month at the Minnesota AIA Convention! Also, UofM professor Mary Guzowski donated a copy of her new book The Art of Architectural Daylighting which I will give away at the end of  my session. Read more about Mary's new book in her ArchDaily article: How the Masters See It: Six Ways to Design with Light.

During a pause, while ElumTools was running calculations, I took some class photos!

Here is a selfie of me and Abi... BTW, when it comes to selfies my daughter typically does them for my family... so I was not surprised to here a few chuckles behind me as I took a long time to compose the shot. And it still has a huge glare on Abi, sorry!

And the class... very attentive with some good questions! Thanks.

For the quick Enscape presentation, I shared this image from my recent Ensacpe blog post: BEST PRACTICES: GLAZING IN ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN. This image has no post-production in Photoshop! It is a Revit model rendered in Enscape; notice the accurate light/shade on the entourage (i.e. people). I then also opened the Law Office model from my 'interior design' Revit textbook which the class has used previously.

On a related note, I wrote this Enscape blog post over two years ago about a presentation I did at the UofM: UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA’S INTERIOR DESIGN STUDENTS LEARN ABOUT ENSCAPE.

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Lighting Design at the University of Minnesota

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