
Thursday, March 14, 2019

Don’t Make New Types While in a Design Option

Today's post comes compliments of industry expert Pieter Schiettecatte from A+I in New York City.

There is a bug in Revit 2019 that you might want to be aware of if you work with design options a lot.

If you create a new family type (wall type, floor type, furniture type, …) while working in a primary design option, something weird happens: if you now try to change the Primary, you will get a message saying: “No element in a secondary Option can be referenced by an element outside that Option.” Your only option will be to cancel (the OK button is grayed out).


If you are running into this issue, the only fix will be to go back to the main model, duplicate the offending type and replace all the instances of the offending type. When you’re done, it’s best to delete the offending family type altogether so you don’t run into this issue again.

This process can be time consuming, so it’s probably best to not make any new types while in a design option. We’ll amend this post as soon as a fix is available.

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I also write blog posts for Enscape - a new paradigm in rendering, animation and VR for AEC.