
Friday, April 12, 2019

A Visit to the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD)

Earlier this week we took my son, who is a junior in high school, on a college visit to the #1 art school in the USA... the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD). Who knows if he will get accepted or if we can afford it, but I suggested we 'shoot for the stars' and see what happens... especially given his passion for art. BTW, he created the mascot for this blog when is we 15.

I decided to share some photos I took from the visit, even though they to not do this campus justice; it has an amazing vibe and immense character. I have a few photos of a quick tour of the RISD school of architecture as well, which I initiated as my son is not interested in following me... which is perfectly fine. Given I am an architect, teach graduate architecture students at NDSU and have the #1 Revit textbook in the USA academic market, you can imagine why I would stop in to say hello:)

Read on to learn more...
The campus is located in Providence, Rhode Island and is composed of 50 small to medium-sized building which are somewhat scattered around a historic part of town. Those building are mostly historic themselves and incredibly beautiful inside and out. Also, directly adjacent to RISD is an ivy league university; Brown.

Here are a few of the photos I took with some comments:

I love the campus police cars... "Defender of the Arts"


What practice drawing skeletons and such... no problem.

The largest building, I think, is the library and student dorms... which is across the channel/river and on the edge of the cluster of the, mostly modern, downtown high rise buildings. Wait until you see the inside!

Elevator doors...

Public hallway...

The incredible library with an elegant mix of classic and modern architecture...

I love these personal study corrals carved in the side of this center structure.

The ceiling is awe inspiring...

From atop the modern center structure...

RISD School of Architecture

This was a super quick tour and I did not, unfortunately, get to speak with any professors. But the student working at the reception desk was kind enough to give us a tour.


I love the mess... it means stuff happens here!

Cool roof structure...

To learn more about RISD:

Fun stuff...

Update: Michael Kilkelly from ArchSmarter, post about his first-ever Revit project, back in 2004, being a RISD project! Check it out here on the ARK:

For BIM Chapters updates, follow @DanStine_MN on Twitter or connect on LinkedIn

I also write blog posts for Enscape - a new paradigm in rendering, animation and VR for AEC.