
Tuesday, April 2, 2019

My Interview on Business of Architecture

I had the good fortune to be interviewed on Enoch Sear's Business of Architecture podcast, and that episode went live yesterday. So, if you want to hear my go on about training, book writing, teaching, VR/AR and more, be sure to check it out...

keep reading to learn more...
If you have never heard of this podcast I encourage you to check it out. Especially if you have any responsibility (or aspirations) in growing your firm's business... and, really, that should be everyone in the firm to some degree. In addition to lively industry specific discussions, Enoch also hosted some very interesting guests.

One of my goals in being a guest on this podcast was to highlight a value of training in A/E firms. It was a lot of fun and I hope you enjoy it. You will even learn about how I got into writing books. I also talk, a little, about a nearly billion dollar hospital I am working, which I have already delivered nearly 20 hours of on-site VR services in early Design Development (DD).

Podcast link:

281: Alternate Career Paths in Architecture: BIM Administrator with Dan Stine

I started listening to this podcast while driving between offices, which is about 2.5 hours each way. I do this once or twice a month. The funny thing is that I did not know there was a video component until after I was schedule to be interviewed. Not that that was a problem... here are a couple images from the You Tube feed... Enoch in the first iamge and then me second.

The title of the podcast mentions 'alternative career paths in architecture'. Well, interestingly enough, Enoch also has taken an alternative path and dedicates his time to giving private small group seminars designed to help practice owners and managers better manage their time, get the type of work they want and much more. Oh, and if you create a free account on his website you can get access to his eBook Social Media for Architects.

You Tube link:

For BIM Chapters updates, follow @DanStine_MN on Twitter or connect on LinkedIn

I also write blog posts for Enscape - a new paradigm in rendering, animation and VR for AEC.