
Thursday, July 18, 2019

Revit Elevation not Perpendicular to Wall and More

Elevations must be perfectly perpendicular to a wall (as shown in the first image below) otherwise there are issues with being able to dimension, and/or their values. Also, in this case, the 3D object appears rather than the (sometimes) simplified symbolic lines developed in the family.

Keeping reading to learn more...

I also recommend the view depth of an elevation is adjusted to the center of the wall (see image above) so elements are not selected behind the wall when using a selection window.

Here is an exaggerated example of an elevation not aligning with a wall. Usually, when this problem arises, it is not visually obvious that is the problem. Try creating a new elevation adjacent to the current elevation to test.

Some casework content is Wall hosted, and some is Face based. When a wall is deleted, the Wall hosted elements are also deleted – but Face based content is not deleted. It becomes un-hosted (this is true in MEP models as well, for things like receptacles and switches). These items can then also end up not parallel to an elevation view (per the image below). Thus, walls (and, really, most elements) should never be deleted, but rather modified.

TIP: If something becomes un-hosted, select it and use the Pick New (host) option on the Ribbon.

 Here is how to tell if the face based element is not hosted properly.

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I also write blog posts for Enscape - a new paradigm in rendering, animation and VR for AEC.