
Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Revit Room Area Basics - Part II

Following up on last week's Part I on a basic post about Revit's Room and Space area calculations, I wrote today's post...

Our main focus here will be on linked models, and how area is calculated. Specifically, we will assume this is an MEP model with Spaces placed in it. The architectural model is shown in the first image below (click to enlarge)... notice the it is set to calculate area from the face of walls.

Keep reading to learn more...

Opening the MEP model, with the architectural model linked in we see the area's match. FYI: the linked arch model must have it's type property set to Room Bounding before placing Spaces within the context of the linked model.

However, if the MEP model's area calculation setting is changed to wall center line we see it has no effect on linked rooms/spaces.

Back in the architectural model, we can add Room Separation lines to carve out a space within an otherwise open space... maybe a reception area within a lobby or an alcove in a hospital corridor.

The MEP model sees those room boundary elements (i.e. the room separation lines) and updates the spaces accordingly. There is no way to get the spaces to ignore them (without some messy workaround).

It is possible to carve out additional space using the Space Separator tool as shown here. FYI: for both the room and space separator tools, you just need to connect the dots. Avoid overlapping room bounding elements.

Finally, even if the architectural model is set to wall center lines, the MEP model only calculates from wall face. In the image below, in the MEP model, I used the Room tag tool to tag the linked room element... this is in addition to the space tag, which is tagging the space element in this MEP model.

Fun stuff! There will likely be a Part III so stayed tuned for more...

Previous Post: Revit Room Area Basics - Part I

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I also write blog posts for Enscape - a new paradigm in rendering, animation and VR for AEC.