
Thursday, October 3, 2019

The Case for Comfort - A POE Whitepaper on ROAST

ROAST is a web-based Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) tool developed by the research and architecture firm KieranTimberlake. In today's post I want to share a whitepaper they developed which makes the case for surveying building occupants to better understand their overall comfort. This information can then be used to make adjustments which will improve comfort and thus promote better health and productivity.
Disclaimer: None needed... I was not asked nor paid to promote this product.

Keep reading to learn more...

'Introduction' from the paper:
It’s no secret that productive employees drive competitive companies. But many offices overlook employee comfort in their day to day operations despite a growing body of peer-reviewed research that shows the happiest, healthiest, and most productive employees are also the most comfortable ones. 
The first step in improving comfort, and consequently increasing productivity, is understanding what factors contribute to people’s perception of a space and how their perceptions change over time. This article outlines these factors and makes the case for why comfortable buildings are well worth the investment. 

BILT Europe 2019 next week!
Next week I am presenting on lighting design at BILT Europe 2019 in Edinburgh, Scotland and will be showing a brief demo of ROAST. Here is a "lighting" related quote from the paper: are metrics not often considered by building owners and office managers, yet their influence on employee comfort and productivity should not be understated. 
Even more striking, employees working in an office that meets industry standard illumination requirements suffered from blurred vision, tired eyes, and a general sense of fatigue due to inadequate lighting. 

I think this should be done on most project, by the design team or building owner!

Link to paper:

The Case for Comfort - Improving Productivity with Comfort Surveys

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