
Monday, December 16, 2019

Chrome Opens to Blank Pages

I recently has an issue with the Google Chrome browser not opening properly on my PC. Chrome would open, but the screen just contained the message "Can't open this page". That was true for any link or tab. I did some looking online and found some lengthy posts with MANY things to try if Chrome was not working. None of them worked.

Today's post covers the solution found to make this work.

Keep reading to learn more...

The fix is a simple command line switch. Right-click on the Chrome icon, go to Properties and then add this switch to the end of the Target line: -no sandbox

This message now appears in Chrome, but at least it works...

Since this does not pop up all over the place when doing a Google search, I assume it is something specific with our environment. Curious to hear if others have ran into this, or know more about the root cause. Comment below if you would like to share...

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I also write blog posts for Enscape - a new paradigm in rendering, animation and VR for AEC.