
Monday, February 24, 2020

Autodesk Begins Transition to Named User Plans

Interesting news from Autodesk today... announcing their intention to switch over to named user accounts. Here is an official link and the contents of an informative email I received today about this new change.

Check out the official link and included the video...

Additional info...

Keep reading to learn more...

Here is the informative email I received today spelling out the details:

Beginning May 7, 2020, we will launch plans based on people for businesses of all sizes and begin retiring plans based on serial numbers.

What does this mean for me as an Autodesk Customer?
By transitioning our maintenance and multi-user subscriptions to new named user plans, you’ll unlock significant benefits now and in the future, at a cost consistent with what you pay today.

Benefits include:
  • Optimized licensing costs, by having visibility into your usage data.
  • No need to manage your own license servers or track an anonymous
    serial number again.
  • Dedicated access for all employees who need it. No more downtime
    waiting for licenses.
  • Tailored support and learning content to employees based on insights.
Like most SaaS providers, plans are designed for named users and provide a range of administrative, support, and reporting capabilities matched to your business needs.

How do I transition to named user plans? 
We’ll provide you with the best trade-in path to a named user subscription experience at your first renewal date.
Network Maintenance Plan or Multi-User Subscription
If you have a network maintenance plan or multi-user subscription, at your first renewal only, after May 7, 2020, trade-in one seat or subscription for two subscriptions for one named user each at a cost consistent with what you pay today. 

Standalone Maintenance
For standalone maintenance, at your first renewal, before May 7, 2021, you can trade in one seat for one subscription at a cost consistent with what you pay today.

Multi-User Access and Maintenance Plans
Subscriptions with multi-user access and maintenance plans will  retire on May 7, 2021 and cannot be further renewed.

Design and Creation Suites

The last version of the Design and Creation Suites will be released in April 2020 and the last date to renew Suites will be April 16, 2020. At your first renewal, before May 7, 2021, trade-in and move to an industry collection and enjoy the enhanced named user experience. 

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I also write blog posts for Enscape - a new paradigm in rendering, animation and VR for AEC.