
Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Promoting Architecture to High School Students

Yesterday I had the opportunity to talk to local high school students about a career in Architecture along with my LHB colleague Caralyn Kieper and Aaron Kelly. We were at Duluth East High School.

The photo below is of Caralyn and Aaron getting the discussion started... of course, a strategic photo to make sure you cannot see the students faces:) The class was a STEM class on Architecture and Engineering. I saw several screens with Autodesk Revit open and there were SkillsUSA and Solidworks posters on the walls.

Several good questions about types of projects we work on and technology... surprisingly, none on how much money we make.

A handful of the students indicated they were interested in architecture. We encouraged them to reach out individually and set up an appointment to job shadow... which is a pretty cool and formal process (meaning they get to spend a few hours in the office and met with various people in various roles).

Extra fun stuff!

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Check out my video-based  courses on ArchSmarter.

I also write blog posts for Enscape - a new paradigm in rendering, animation and VR for AEC.