
Friday, November 13, 2020

AIA New Orleans Symposium - Day 2 Follow Up

This week, I presented on early energy modeling via the AIA New Orleans 2030 Committee's RISING: Symposium for Climate & Equity. In today's posts I will share a few slides from that presentation.

keep reading to learn more...

Leading up to this event, I wrote the following post: AIA New Orleans Event Next Week - RISING: Symposium for Climate and Equity.

My presentation on early energy modeling using the Autodesk Revit + Insight workflow was to a smaller Zoom break-out group who selected this topic from a couple options available during that timeslot. Although a few more joined shortly after, the photo above is of the attendees (screenshot taken with permission:)).

Most of the presentation was actually showing the workflow in the software... which is a great way to impress upon folks just how easy the tool can be. Before the live demo, I lead with the following slides...


A little about myself and Lake | Flato... although i live in Texas now, it is fun to share a photo of my 'past life' biking to work nearly everyday during the winter in climate zone 7 (including a 500 foot elevation difference between home and work!). 

The Big Picture

The 'big picture' slide allows me to frame the value of the workflow and highlight the AIA DDx reporting feature as well as the real-time pEUI dial and what the colored background means, which is
  • Red = Poor performance
  • Orange = ASHRAE 90.1 (2010) compliant
  • Green = ARCH 2030 or Net Zero.

Automatic Baseline

This slide shows that Insight automatically reports the ASHRAE 90.1 baseline. Read more about that here: ASHRAE 90.1 Baseline - Revit + Insight.

Automatic Perimeter and Core Thermal Zoning

ASHRAE 90.1 Appendix G talks about perimeter and core thermal zoning, which Revit and Insight do automatically (while other same-in-class tools do not). Read more about that here: Thermal Zoning in Early Energy Analysis.

Resources shared... including this blog and an inexpensive course I created: Dynamic Energy Optimization.

Thanks to everyone who attended and for the great questions! It was a lot of fun.

For BIM Chapters updates, follow @DanStine_MN on Twitter or connect on LinkedIn

Check out my video-based  courses on ArchSmarter.

I also write blog posts for Enscape - a new paradigm in rendering, animation and VR for AEC.