
Wednesday, September 15, 2021

UTSA Daylight Analysis Presentation

Yesterday I had the opportunity to present to UTSA architecture students on daylight analysis workflows employed at Lake|Flato. This is the topic of today's post.

keep reading to learn more...

I presented to students in the ARC 3433/5753: Advanced Daylighting Design and Analysis class, lead by Jae Y. Suk, Ph.D., IES, IALD, LEED APAssociate Professor, Architecture Program Leader/Graduate Advisor of Record.

I shared a typical daylight analysis report we we develop for clients, and looked at some of the tools we use. Mainly, the demo was on Rhino and Climate Studio.

Here are a couple images from a project report...

Here are a couple images in Rhino, showing UDI and sDG results...

Fun stuff...

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I also write blog posts for Enscape - a new paradigm in rendering, animation and VR for AEC.