
Wednesday, February 16, 2022

The IES BIM Committee requests your help!

BIM Chapters intro: The following article is an excerpt from the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) Standards Bulletin, a monthly email. Please read it and then consider upvoting the Revit Ideas i've linked at the end. FYI: I am the chair of the IES BIM Standards committee.



By Rebecca Mintz, secretary, IES BIM Committee


The IES BIM Committee requests your help!


Have you been unhappy with the process of documenting lighting in BIM software, specifically Revit*? Do you wish there were features that the software had to make the lighting workflow more compatible with those of other trades?


From the survey conducted by our committee last year, we heard your frustration and are working hard to get Autodesk to listen to the lighting community. However, we need your help!


Autodesk uses public opinion to decide how to implement new features via its Revit Ideas forum. Users post requests; other users vote on the requests. Autodesk takes notice of posts that have a high number of votes, generally those with more than 100 votes.


That’s where we need your help! The IES BIM Committee has taken all the feedback we received from the survey responses and created a series of requests on the forum. Two posts have been on the forum for a while but haven’t received enough votes to reach Autodesk’s attention:

  1. Multiple Light Sources in a single Family, without nesting. This request was authored by IES BIM Committee member Matt Kincaid and addresses the fact that nesting is required for lighting families to have more than one light source. Nesting is problematic for aiming and photometric calculations. For more information, read Matt’s post and vote!
  2. Visibility Below Cut Plane In RCP. For many of us, it is helpful to see architectural elements, like furniture or step lights, that wouldn’t typically be shown on a Reflected Ceiling Plan as we lay out our designs. Currently, Revit doesn’t have a good way of showing that. There are workarounds, like making the cut plane close to the floor, but they all have their downsides. Allowing for visibility of elements below the cut plane would make it easier for us to see what we need without messy workarounds.

Please click on the links above and vote for these ideas, as well as any other ideas you see there that you would like to have implemented! If we band together and vote, we are hopeful that Autodesk will recognize that the lighting industry is worth pleasing!


We will also be highlighting feature requests each month in social media. If you see a post and want to share it, please do! Let’s advocate for our workflow needs and our industry recognition!


Also, please share these ideas with anyone and everyone! We thank you for your help advocating for the lighting industry’s needs in Revit.


* The IES BIM Committee does not endorse any particular BIM software. However, we recognize that Autodesk Revit is the most used software. For that reason, we are focusing our current efforts on improving its usability for the IES and lighting communities.

Revit Ideas

Each Revit Idea is linked below. You need to log in using a free Autodesk account. Use these steps to speed up the process:
  1. Click the first link below
  2. Log in to your Autodesk account (or create one for free)
  3. Click the vote button
  4. Leave this tab open (keeps you logged in)
  5. Click and vote for the remaining links (close each after voting)

Families - lights on sloped ceilings (6 votes)

Schedules - Print Schedules (219 votes)

Schedules - Spell check (345 votes)

Schedules - Edit in sheet (421 votes)

Schedules - Multi-line text (274 votes)

Schedules - Copy/Paste data (3 votes)

Schedules - Sheet formatting visibility control (5 votes)

Multiple light sources, without having to nest families (29 votes)

Support for new lighting definition - gldf (2 votes)

Families - toggle hosting methods (132 votes)

Update built-in parameters (7 votes)

Support for MEP Logical Systems across Linked Models (3 votes)

Support for ANSI/IES TM-32-19 Lighting Parameters (2 votes)

Locate fixtures in an array - along a curve or a path (58 votes)

RCP - Improved Visibility Control (14 votes)

Improve copy-monitor workflows (2 votes)

Lighting Fixture - multiple zone control support (3 votes) 

Improve Support for Type B Photometric Files (*.IES files) (9 votes)

Lighting Fixture - MEP connector enhancements (2 votes)

Design Options - MEP related enhancements (2 votes)

Type catalogs enhanced to support photometry (2 votes)

Update CSI OmniClass Table 23 (2 votes)

For BIM Chapters updates, follow @DanStine_MN on Twitter or connect on LinkedIn

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