
Friday, May 5, 2023

Preliminary Topography with Aerial Imagery - SketchUp to Revit (to Enscape) Workflow

Today's BIM Chapters blog post features a video I created on getting preliminary topography into Revit. Two workflows are covered:
  • Creating a toposolid (or toposurface)
  • Linking a surface with aerial imagery
To emphasize the opportunity, I used a mountainous area in the US.

keep reading to learn more...

Grounding your preliminary building design requires importing topography data in Autodesk Revit. In this post, I share a link to a YouTube video I created showing how to use preliminary data created by SketchUp.

This is helpful before more accurate Survey or proposed Civil/LA data is available. These workflowa are also great for larger regions beyond the immediate project site, especially when developing visualizations using Enscape or doing daylight explorations.

Here is the 9-minute 4k video on YouTube...

Here are a few more images from the video...

I know there are other workflows, but this one is simple if you have access to SketchUp (Pro version). Share your thoughts in the comments below, or on YouTube.

For BIM Chapters updates, follow @DanStine_MN on Twitter or connect on LinkedIn

Lighting design professionals: check out my Revit & ElumTools training