
Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Circular San Antonio kick off meeting at Lake|Flato

Circular San Antonio (CSA), a not-for-profit organization, held a kickoff meeting that we hosted at Lake|Flato last night!

keep reading to learn more...

The kickoff meeting was meant to introduce the newly formed group and solicit help within the organization!

Here are the details on CSA and how you can get involved (click to enlarge images)! You can also visit the website:

Here are a few more photos of the brief intro meeting, after which I gave a tour of our office!

Photo with CSA co-founders Stephanie Phillips and Christopher Moken!

The City of San Antonio, Texas is the largest city in the US with a deconstruction ordinance (SA is the 7th largest city in the US). You can learn more about that and read the 2020 report via this link:

Related: I recently presented on the circular economy in San Antonio as well as our newly remodeled office, which embraced several sustainability initiatives. Check out the recorded session here if interested: AIA NYC COTE - Circular Economy and Design Part 2 – Disassembly and Reuse.

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