
Wednesday, November 22, 2023

bsi. Webinar - How to use BIM to achieve your sustainability goals

What happens when a practice embraces BIM and industry standards? Opportunities happen. Opportunities to elevate workflows that achieve client goals and benefit the environment and the people who will use the building.

Join us in this session to learn about three industry groups working on standards, bsi, NIBS, and IES, as well as my highlights on BIM-eneabled sustainability workflows at Lake|Flato.

keep reading to learn more...

I am excited to present with longtime friend Rachel Riopel, who chairs the NIMBS BIM Council. We will also be joined by Rahul Shah from bsi (Britsh Standards Institute), who is hosting the webinar. To round things out, I am the chair of the IES BIM Standards Committee.



  • November 29, 2023, at 11:00 AM EST/ 4:00 PM UK time


The digital transformation in the built environment continues to profoundly impact the industry. Innovations like AI, IoT, Digital Twins, Robotics, Smart Cities, and BIM are reshaping how the built environment is designed, constructed, and maintained. BIM, as a collaborative information management process, enhances efficiency throughout the lifecycle, ensuring data informed decision making at each stage. It promotes collaboration among engineers, owners, architects, contractors, and building operators.

This approach is vital for data-driven sustainability initiatives, offering transparency and control over building systems, including water, energy, and waste usage. This webinar explores how BIM elements can enhance sustainability in the built environment.


Register for the free webinar at:

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