
Thursday, February 15, 2024

New Enscape Blog Post - Leveraging Custom Assets in Enscape

I recently wrote a post for Ensacpe on managing custom assets. We have a lot of them at Lake|Flato!

keep reading to learn more...

Enscape blog post:

I included three images from the blog post here... highlighting the custom assets in action in two Lake|Flato projects.

The third image shows me scanning the 3D object that inspired the firm mascot found on our letterhead and titleblocks. I am using Polycam on my iPhone. More on that in the Enscape blog post linked above:)

The inset image is the custom asset rendered in Enscape!

Thanks to Steven Campbell, BIM Manager at Lake|Flato, who does all the heavy lifting when it comes to creating custom assets. Also, thanks to Pieter Schiettecatte from A+I in NYC who presented on custom asset creation in the video linked within my Enscape post. If you search the BIM Chapter blog for Pieter's name, you will see it more than once:)

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