
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

IIDA Texas Oklahoma Chapter Reception and Tour of Lake Flato - Last Night

Last evening, Jamie Sartory, AIA, LEED AP BD+C and I hosted the IIDA Texas Oklahoma chapter at our office for a reception, office presentation, and tour.

It was a lot of fun showing off Lake|Flato's office to interior designers and hearing their thoughts on the spaces. In today's post, I wanted to share a few photos.

keep reading to learn more...

Thanks to Christina Cantu, IIDA, RID, EDACJoAnn Sosa, RID, IIDA, and Ford Savage for the opportunity and coordination! 

It was fun to learn that JoAnn used to work in the building several years ago, before Lake Flato occupied and owned the entire building. Her desk was roughly right in the middle of our new kitchen space:)

We started with a presentation, here are a few slides...

Jamie talking about the suspended shelving she designed...

I'm talking about the conference room technology behind me...

Stopping in the materials lab was a must... highlighting the natural light from the skylight as well as the under-counter lighting with adjustable color temperatures.

For BIM Chapters updates, follow @DanStine_MN on Twitter or connect on LinkedIn

Lighting design professionals: check out my Revit & ElumTools training