
Friday, November 17, 2017

AIA-MN 2017 Convention Follow Up

Ok, last post on the Minnesota AIA 2017 Convention...

My presentation on the Revit + Insight workflow for energy modeling felt like it went well and I received some positive comments afterwards! So that's good...

After putting in a bunch of time preparing, it is rewarding to get positive feedback. Here is a nice comment I received by an attendee via email:
"Thanks for the informative session at the AIA convention, particularly the clear distinctions between Sefaira and Insight and how easy is it to do early modeling in Insight."
Before speaking, I was introduced by Rick Carter FAIA, LEED Fellow, who is LHB's Integrative Design Team Leader. He also framed my presentation with a brief (like, the 2 minute version) history on LHB's research and sustainable design efforts.

The convention itself is in a beautiful setting in downtown Minneapolis. Here is a view from the second level of the registration area in the Minneapolis Convention Center.


Here is a selfie with Deanna Christiansen, AIA-MN's fearless Continuing Education Director!

Sorry, more selfies... :)

After my session, I ran into two LHB'ers in the Exhibit Hall - Kavwimba Mdumuka and Lindsey Kieffaber.

Representing the Duluth (i.e. my hometown) firm Meteek Supply were Randy Larson and Cynthia Lapp. They rep the cool stuff...

My friends from CTC were spread thin this week, exhibiting at Autodesk University (in Las Vegas) and the AIA-MN Convention at the same time!

Quick photo of the conference room signage for my session...

The calm-before-the-storm... playing my trusty "bike ride to work" video to entertain people as they trickled in. I played this video last month in Denmark before my session, which was fitting (there are roughly two bikes to one person throughout the Country).

I was able to give four books away to the students in the room... it was "Student Day" at the conference! There were a lot of students in the room, so we had to draw names.

During the presentation, I mentioned the BIMThoughts podcast. Here are a few sessions on the topic of energy modeling you may be interested in; one with me, one with someone from Autodesk and another with Sefaira.

Podcast links:

Previous A'17 posts: