
Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Autodesk Insight webinar series

I was just reading Dmitry Chubrik's weekly blog reviews (translated to English) on his website and realized I had not posted about the great new Autodesk series on Insight; their cloud-based energy analysis tool.

Learn everything about building performance analysis: Autodesk Insight webinar series

There are three episodes so far (listed below):

These are hosted by my friend at Autodesk, Senior Product Manager, Ian Molloy. He is the brain's behind Insight who also used to work at IES in Europe for many years. Apart from acquisitions, I think Insight is one of the most innovative things Autodesk has developed in recent years.

I will be presenting on Insight at the BILT Eur 2018 conference this October in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The presentation will highlight how Insight can be used across all phases of a project and compare results between my hometown in Minnesota with a site in Ljubljana. It should be a lot of fun.

For BIM Chapters updates, follow @DanStine_MN on Twitter