
Monday, September 10, 2018

BILT-Eur 2018 - Handouts Done and Free Revit Books

Us speakers were required to have our handouts done early last week for next month's BILT conference in Europe; this year the AEC technology-focused event will be in Ljubljana, Slovenia. My three handouts are turned in and I am now wrapping up the presentation material.

If you are going to the event, read on to learn about how you could win a Revit book in one of my sessions. If you are not going, it is not too late to change your mind, and even save ten percent.

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Below are the covers, sorry just the covers, of my handouts. Notice they have 37, 46 and 60 pages... two lectures and a double lab, respectively.

Here is one slide from my energy modeling presentation (click to enlarge). In this segment of the talk I show how this large detailed Revit model with an open-air integral parking ramp can be used to simulate energy use (EUI) with relative ease!

These six books just arrived from SDC Publications. I will be giving two copied away in each of my sessions. I may also bring a couple copies of a new book I just wrote, if I get them in time!!! More on that later.

If you are still on the fence about attending the conference, check out this post I wrote to save some money: BILT-Eur 2018 - Save with my Special Discount Code!

Thanks for reading...

For BIM Chapters updates, follow @DanStine_MN on Twitter