
Friday, January 25, 2019

Revit 2019.2 Update - Manage Images Improvements

The Revit 2019.2 Update was released last week, as I wrote about here; Revit 2019.2 Update is out - Zoom in Schedules is the best!. Today I will share a couple small improvements not mentioned in the initial media announcements... it has to do with managing images.

Read on learn more...
First, in the image above you will notice there is a Place Instance button adding in the Manage Image dialog in Revit 2019.2. Contrast that with the previous Revit version shown below. You can now place an instance of an already loaded image right from this dialog.

Another related enhancement is the Manage Image button appearing on the Ribbon whenever an image is selected, as seen here (click image to enlarge it).

One more quick item to mention... the Revit application titlebar now reports the 'update version' again (see image below). That had been overlooked in the Revit 2019.1 update, making it more difficult to see which version of Revit 2019 a person was/is using.

By the way, in case you had not heard the story before, my son was 15 years old when he created the character that would become the BIM Chapters mascot!

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