
Thursday, March 7, 2019

Dashed Lines Print Solid in Revit

A quick note about an issue with some dashed lines printing solid, or continuous, in Revit. Nothing you can do about it, but knowing that is helpful...

Below I have added two lines, which use predefined Line Pattern Triple Dash 5/8". Then I placed three of the desk families, found in the OOTB Revit template, on top of one of the lines.

Looks fine on the screen...

But, it does not print fine...


 One more example before pointing out what is going on. I moved the middle desk to the right a bit...

 Now, a different portion of the line prints solid (continuous)....

Turn out, if Revit cannot create a full portion of the main pattern, as shown in the image below, then it makes that section solid.
Update: Thanks to Steven Bunker for the tip, this will print correctly if you use Raster, rather than Vector, when printing!

File this under "good to know".

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