
Monday, February 3, 2020

Revit 2020.2 Issue

Alert for those using Revit 2020... note that, according to Autodesk, this only affects a small percentage of customers.

Update (2/8/2020): A hotfix is not available for download (378 MB); 2020.2.1 Release notes

Sasha Crotty, Sr. Product Manager, Revit Platform & Services at Autodesk, just posted the following on Twitter:
"Late last week, we reproduced a defect in Revit 2020.2 that can cause families to go missing in models that have been modified in multiple Revit versions. Out of caution we have temporarily removed the 2020.2 updates while we work on a fix. More info coming shortly." Click here to go to tweet
Brian Mackey replied and suggested (which he learned from Aaron Maller, see comments below)...
"If 2020.2 is installed it is recommended that ALL users open the project with Audit."
Update (from Sasha): "Unfortunately this issue is not prevented by opening the model with Audit. However, that does help identify if there are families already missing in the model."

We have the 2020.2 update installed and I am not away of any issues...

Keep reading to learn more...

I appreciate Autodesk getting to word out on this issue. Like buildings, software like Revit is complex with lots of moving parts. I have been personally involved in beta testing for years, and have found issues during testing, and then found additional issues right after the product release... for the same feature. The latter issue was only found after working on a real project... there is only so much real-world testing you can do when it is not really the real-world.


Knowledgebase article: Family Corruption in Revit 2020.2

Good info in that article, including the following snippets:
Q. What models are affected?
A. The issue can affect workshared models that were created or upgraded in Revit 2020.0 or 2020.1 which are then repeatedly modified in Revit 2020.2. This issue can impact central models stored locally, on Revit Server, or in Revit Cloud Worksharing. The following models are NOT affected:
  1. Non-workshared models
  2. Workshared models created and exclusively modified in Revit 2020.2
Q. What if I have already installed Revit 2020.2?
A. If everyone on the project team is working in 2020.2, there are a few one-time operations you can take in a Revit 2020.2 build to prevent the issue:
  1. Rename all families in the project (e.g. FamilyX to FamilyX-2 and then back to FamilyX) OR
  2. Save the model as a new central (must be a new file, not Save As to the same location) OR
  3. Reload all families (including company, Autodesk, and 3rd party families) in the project OR
  4. Move the entire project team back to Revit 2020.1
Stay tuned for more information...

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