
Tuesday, February 4, 2020

I ♥ Architecture and Interior Design Education

I love teaching, both professionally and academically... I find it very rewarding to share knowledge, as you might guess if you follow this blog. In return I continually learn new things myself, and gain satisfaction from helping others with their professional development. And, as Randy Deutsch exclaimed the other day in this tweet, it is great to receive thanks from students occasionally.

This week and next I will be presenting at the two architecture schools in Minnesota; Dunwoody College of Technology and the University of Minnesota. Today's post is just a quick mention with posts to follow after each event.
Thanks to LHB for supporting education through hiring (paid!) interns, attending career fairs, hosting student visits, and accommodating staff who wish to teach like myself (NDSU), Miguel Proa (Dunwoody), Casey Goldberg (UofM-Duluth).

Keep reading to learn more...

Dunwoody School of Architecture
Tomorrow I am presenting to 40+ architecture students on real-time rendering using Revit + Enscape. These will be first year students, so I should have a lot of new information to share with them.

It has been a few years since I have presented at Dunwoody. However, I was there about a year ago for a Thesis Critique, which I wrote about here (I also write about how this program is a first-of-its-kind in the USA): Dunwoody Architecture - Thesis Final Part 1

Update: Here is a follow up post on this presentation, click here.

College of Design - University of Minnesota
Next week I am presenting on lighting design in a class that is part of the new lighting design minor offered to architecture and interior design students. I previously wrote about the development of this new minor here: Lighting Design at the University of Minnesota

In this session I will talk about ElumTools and its ability to do electric and daylight analysis as well as Autodesk's Daylighting tool to perform annual analysis such as sDA and ASE.

This class is taught by Tao Ham, Lighting Designer at HGA, in Minneapolis.

I have previously presented on a similar topic for the interior design program, as I wrote about here: Lighting Design at the University of Minnesota - Fall 2018

For BIM Chapters updates, follow @DanStine_MN on Twitter or connect on LinkedIn

Check out my video-based  courses on ArchSmarter.

I also write blog posts for Enscape - a new paradigm in rendering, animation and VR for AEC.