
Tuesday, July 14, 2020

A+I Enscape Asset Creator - Development Update!

Pieter Schiettecatte from A+I in New York City is continuing to develop the A+I Enscape Asset Creator tool that was mentioned in this blog post: Tutorial: how to create custom Enscape assets

Today's post highlights the developments that have been made to that tool.

keep reading to learn more...

Here are a few images of the dialog as it stands today. Below you will also find a feature list. We have been using/testing this tool at Lake|Flato Architects as we are very much interested in developing a custom library for our Revit + Enscape workflow.

The new version of the unofficial Enscape Asset Creator can download it here:

A+I Enscape Asset Creator

New features include:

  • Browse your library from the creator
  • The asset creator will now take care of the folder management and file naming for you. You no longer have to use windows explorer to create folders and subfolders.
  • Instant search
  • See thumbnails
  • Thumbnails are now automatically down-sampled to 256x256px (to keep your Enscape library fast).
  • Statistics are shown like outline polycount, gltf size and texture size. The statistics will color red if they are exceeding the recommended limits*.
  • Delete assets (careful, there's no undo)
  • Guids are now read-only and automatically created
  • Remembers the location of your last loaded library for quick loading.
  • Remembers the location of your last loaded asset (gltf, obj and thumbnail) for quick navigation
  • See the total number of assets in the library
  • Loading bar when opening large libraries
  • For advanced users: a details panel with the json code, guid and a button to open the asset location in windows explorer (for advanced users)
  • Better error handling with error messages (let me know if you still run into issues)

Known issues (let me know which ones are deal breakers)

  • There's no way to set the units for the outline (for now you still have to use meters, but most of the code for unit support is done, it just has to be exposed in the UI)
  • The UI can be a bit glitchy in some cases, especially the library list. I'm looking into switching to a different UI framework.

Special thanks

  • To the Enscape team for their continued support
  • Steven Campell for sharing UI mockups
  • For the people who helped betatest (Ariel Amador León and others)

let me know in this topic if you like it and whether you run into any issues.

*The suggested limits are 500 polygons for the placeholder, 5mb for gltf and 5mb for textures. I'm happy to adjust these based on the feedback from the Enscape team (or the user community). In the meantime, you can customize the recommended limits in the Asset Creator.exe.Config file.

Get Involved

If you want to share your thoughts on the development of this tool, or find a bug, head over to the Ensacpe forum, here:

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Check out my video-based  courses on ArchSmarter.

I also write blog posts for Enscape - a new paradigm in rendering, animation and VR for AEC.