
Wednesday, November 11, 2020

AU 2020 - Record Registrations and its Free

This year, due to the 2020 pandemic, Autodesk University will be virtual and consolidated to a single event... and it will be Free!

This has already resulted in record registrations. Today's post is about AU 2020 and how it will work next week.

keep reading to learn more...

Over 60,000 people from 100 Countries have registered for Autodesk University 2020. In past years, the Las Vegas event has had about 12,000 attendees in-person. But given the conference being free and more accessible this year, the numbers have skyrocketed.

For the last several years, AU has also been hosted in other locations, in addition to Las Vegas, such as London, Russia, Japan and China. This year everything is consolidated to a single event, supporting multiple languages. For example, my session is in English, but there may be a similar session taught by others in additional languages.

This all starts next week!


Here is Autodesk's highlights of the event:
AU 2020 is our first-ever global digital conference with no cost to attend, starting November 17. Join thousands of professionals from architecture, engineering, construction, manufacturing, and media and entertainment.  
Make an investment in yourself—register for AU 2020 to:
  • Discover emerging trends live during the can't-miss Day One Broadcasts
  • Learn from experts with 750+ on-demand sessions
  • Connect live with speakers during 350+ class Q&As
  • Get answers to product questions, live at the Answer Bar
  • Join meetups to solve challenges with peers and advance your practice
AU is free, but you must register to participate: Register for AU Here

My Participation

This year I am teaching one session, but I also wrote two articles and was interviewed by Autodesk for my thoughts on an exciting beta I have been participating in. 

Here is a post I previously wrote about my session: AU 2020 - My Selected Session on...

I will share more details on the articles and the interview when they are accessible via the AU site.

How it Works

This year, there is not a specific class schedule attendees need to sign up for. All classes will be available to view right away, from what I understand.

Then, there will be a scheduled time that the speaker will host a Questions & Answers (Q&A) to talk about the class. Thus, the attendee will have the opportunity to watch the formal presentation (which has already been recorded) and then have an entire hour to chat with the speaker! This will be really fun!


Want to meet with Autodesk about beta developments and more:
Interested in product research? Don't forget to check out the AU 2020 Idea Exchange.

You use Autodesk products every day in your job, so we’re guessing you have a few thoughts about where they’re headed next. From new features in your favorite tools to improved workflows for common tasks, we want to hear what you have to say. At the Idea Exchange, you can give your input and feedback 1-on-1 and in small group sessions. For more information about these offerings please visit the AU 2020 Idea Exchange Blog.


Last Year

Last year I attended, in-person, Autodesk University Las Vegas and London. Here are some posts about them, in case you are not familiar with AU at all.
Here is a selfie I got last year with Autodesk's CEO Andrew Anagnost...

Should be fun!

For BIM Chapters updates, follow @DanStine_MN on Twitter or connect on LinkedIn

Check out my video-based  courses on ArchSmarter.

I also write blog posts for Enscape - a new paradigm in rendering, animation and VR for AEC.