
Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Autodesk Expert Elite 'Social Butterfly' Award:)

This past Autodesk University, I found out I won an award within the Autodesk Expert Elite program... as a social media standout:) A quick share on that in today's post.

keep reading to learn more...

The award just arrived in the mail this week since AU was virtual this year. This thing was difficult to take a picture of given how reflective it is:)
btw, did you know there were more than 100k registrations for AU this year, since it was free? Crazy.

The image below is the snippet about my efforts mentioned from the presentation.

Thanks Autodesk, and everyone in the Expert Elite program!

For BIM Chapters updates, follow @DanStine_MN on Twitter or connect on LinkedIn

Check out my video-based  courses on ArchSmarter.

I also write blog posts for Enscape - a new paradigm in rendering, animation and VR for AEC.