
Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Happy Holidays from Lake|Flato

Lake|Flato sent out an annual holiday greeting this week, which I thought I would share here as well!

keep reading to learn more...
Our marketing department asked for photos from everyone, since we are all still working from home. Thus, the 'holiday greeting' resulted in the nice collage shown above. I submitted the two highlighted photos, which are mentioend below:)

Minnesota Meetup

Before I moved from Minnesota earlier this year, I was able to meetup with fellow LF'er Sam Rusek and Nick, her husband, as they were in the area visiting family and getting away!

We had a chance to get together outside, socially distanced with masks, and chat. One quick selfie, in Duluth's Canal Park, with masks down while not facing each other! 

Texas Sendoff

Shortly after moving to Texas, we had to see my son off at the airport. He is a freshman at MCAD in Minneapolis.

Here's to a safe, heathy and happy holiday season!

For BIM Chapters updates, follow @DanStine_MN on Twitter or connect on LinkedIn

Check out my video-based  courses on ArchSmarter.

I also write blog posts for Enscape - a new paradigm in rendering, animation and VR for AEC.