
Thursday, June 2, 2022

AEC+Tech talk -- follow up -- Design Technology for High Performance Design

I quick share about an AEC+Tech talk I was on recently. I have included a link to the video and a follow up article. I presented alongside Kristen Forward from NBBJ Design on Design Technology for High Performance Design. I spent some time talking about our related process here at Lake|Flato.

keep reading to learn more...

Here is a summary of the event and the lead-in to the article...
"A summary of an event conducted by aec+tech in April 2022 as part of its ongoing talk series, aec+tech talks. In conjunction with this month’s topic — Design Technology for High-performance Buildings — panelists Kristen Forward from NBBJ Design and Daniel Stine from Lake|Flato Architects shared their insights and expertise in high-performance building design enabled by design technology. "
Read the article here:

Video Recording:
The article is a follow up to a recorded "tech Talk" Kristen and I did recently! I had a little technical difficulty... fun for someone with "Technology" in their job title, lol. I was in a hotel, on an island, on the Gulf of Mexico (South Padre Island). The timing was perfect as well, Kristen went first and I watched the entire thing... then, the moment she finished, my computer screen suddenly went blank. I had to reboot and get everything loaded back up. Then all went well:)

"To watch and follow this and future aec+tech talks, visit our YouTube channel here"

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