
Friday, November 18, 2022

Recap of the Texas Society of Architects (TxA) 2022 Conference in El Paso

Last month I had the opportunity to attend and present at the annual Texas Society of Architects conference, hosted in El Paso.

I had a great time co-presenting a session titled Integrating Research into Architectural Practice with three Lake|Flato colleagues.

keep reading to learn more...

The annual gathering of Texas architects was held last month in El Paso, Texas. I wanted to share a little about the conference; including our session, an amazing keynote, and Lake|Flato featured projects and people!

Our Session

As you can see in the photos below, we had a great turnout for our session.

Lake|Flato Presenters:

Session description:
By leveraging existing research, investigating new ideas, conducting post-occupancy evaluation and sharing lessons learned we can improve the design and performance of the built environment. This course will offer tools for developing research strategies appropriate for your firm and workflow. Panelists will introduce a variety of research and partnership models by presenting examples that include post-occupancy evaluation or energy performance, literature reviews of existing urban greenway research and building technology prototyping, among others. This session will discuss both process and application of findings to future projects, highlighting the importance of using research to inform professional practice.

Here are a few slides from our presentation...

Lake|Flato Awards

Lake|Flato projects won several 2022 Design Awards. See all the winning projects via this link:


SAY IT LOUD - L|F Women Recognized

In the entry lobby of the convention center was a giant "Say It Loud" wall featuring Texas women in architecture. Seven amazing women from Lake|Flato were featured! Click to enlarge images.

The Best Keynote

Richard Rothstein gave one of the best keynotes I have ever seen. Author of the book The Color of Law and a forthcoming (sequel) book Just Action: Creating a Movement That Can End Segregation Enacted under the Color of Law. Mr. Rothstien spoke for an hour without notes on the Civil Rights movement and debunked the concept (endorsed by the US Supreme Court) of societal defacto segregation caused by private forces.

Local students playing in the historic lobby after the keynote.


It was great to network and check out the exhibit hall during the conference. I was finally able to meet, in person, Dr. Hazem Rashed-Ali from Texas Tech University. Lake|Flato has collaborated with him and I have presented in a couple of his classes when he was at UTSA in San Antonio!

El Paso, Texas

The border city of El Paso is really nice. This was my first time in the city and I told my family we need to go back and explore more!

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