
Monday, February 22, 2021

Revit Shared Coordinates - Part 4, Multiple Building Instances

One more installment for Revit's shared coordinates system. Today's post covers how to manage multiple building instances, from the same Revit proposed building model.

I also created a YouTube video covering all the required steps.

keep reading to learn more...

The need to place the same building in multiple locations on a site is not too un-common. Revit's shared coordinate system can handle this task. It involves creating a Site definition for each location within the proposed building model, and then selecting that option when linking it into the site!

Each site definition shows up in the RVT Links tab within the Revit site model, as shown above. This allows each instance to be managed separately.

All this is covered in more detail in this YouTube video I created:

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I also write blog posts for Enscape - a new paradigm in rendering, animation and VR for AEC.