Monday, May 13, 2024

Hempcrete Presentation by BIOBUILD Last Week at Lake|Flato!

Last week, guest speaker Caroline Dunn from BIOBUILD in Austin, Texas, led our monthly Lake|Flato Sustainability Champions meeting. She presented on hempcrete and highlighted a new Hemp Lime Illustrated detail booklet she co-authored.

keep reading to learn more...

Once a month Lake|Flato hosts an hourlong presentation focused on sustainability. In a true San Antonio tradition, it comes complete with breakfast tacos!

Caroline presented some cool regional projects she has worked on that use hempcrete. She also shared several developments on this and other bio-based materials across the industry.

She brought samples!

Photo-op with Caroline and her new book!

We feature a Champion of the Month at the beginning of each Sustainability Champions session. Adam Martin presented some resources and workflows he helped develop internally to quickly access PV opportunities in the earliest phases of a project. I will be touching on this in my Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast presentation at AIA National next month:)

By the way, last October 2023, I attended a conference in Massachusetts where I participated in a half-day Hempcrete workshop, which was a lot of fun. Read more about that here: AIA/ACSA Intersections Research Conference - Recap.

For more on hempcrete, I recommend you check out this podcast by Building Science Podcast that discusses an award-winning hempcrete project near me, here in Texas... Hempcrete Homes: A Growing Industry.

For BIM Chapters updates, follow @DanStine_MN on Twitter or connect on LinkedIn

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