Friday, August 23, 2024

IES Recognition for Leadership on TM-32-34 Update

Earlier this month, at the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) annual conference I was recognized for my leadership on the recently released TM-32-24!

keep reading to learn more...

Thanks to the IES staff and the entire BIM Standards committee. The update would not have been possible without the help of everyone involved.

A nice message from IES:
"IES Education & Standards Department staff is thrilled to inform you that you have been selected as a certificate recipient for your extraordinary dedication and leadership throughout the TM-32 revision process.  On behalf of our department, congratulations – and thank you!"
Brienne Willcock, Director of Education and Standards at Illuminating Engineering Society, recognized me during the IES'24 conference earlier this month! Unfortunately, I was not able to attend the conference.

Here is a webinar I helped deliver covering the updated technical memorandum:

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